Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Shitting at the Office

Now that I'm deeply embedded in my 8-5 job, I find myself struggling with a situation on the daily that has proven to be most perplexing for me: 

Where does everyone take a shit while during their working day? Or do they shit at home? What is the protocol for pooping while on a project?

I thank god that my new job features two seperate restrooms, and one that is completely private with its own sink. Because I'm a fashionable guy: I love to wear awesome shoes. But that also means I can't just shit anywhere for fear of my shoes being recognized later and having everyone know that I was the poopetrator!

I mean, I know everyone poops... But it's not something I want the entire office knowing I'm doing...

Yet how do people not poo at the office if they are there for 8+ hours. When I have been waking up the last few days at 6 am, I think my body has still been in such shock that I have to be up, awake at that hour, and at work by 8 am, that it doesn't know what to do with myself.  So I can't typically poop at home before I head off to work.

So here I sit. Well, here I shit. In the private stall. The stall that most of know that that's where the scared ones go to poo. Hopefully no one walks by. I've got my reputation to uphold and the last thing I want people to think of me as is a shitter!

Am I crazy it what?