Parents- I'm gonna say this once and give you an ounce of realness: your decision to uncross your legs and get pregnant should have nothing to do with me. Own up to the fact that you reproduced and have forced us all to have to incorporate another human being to this shit show that is life. Just don't act like we all must put up with your child's crappo behavior just because it is alive, breathing, --and one of us now--upon your disposal.
A baby in the seat directly in front of us screamed and wailed almost constantly the entire 10.5 hours of the trip. It still begs the question what kind of idiot fucking parent brings their child on a 10.5 hour flight with nothing- no sleeping pills, pacifier, nothing.
And when we complained to the flight attendant, they said there was nothing to do because they cannot tell a baby "no". Despite the fact that this baby is obviously 1.5 years old or more and able to understand to be quiet when I yelled at them. (Maybe the baby actually needs to be directly and assertively told "no" or even spanked lightly so that it comprehends that what it is doing by demanding full attention of everyone by screaming at the top of its lungs is NEVER acceptable behavior.
Despite the fact that the baby flew for free, there was "nothing" they could do. Then they act like we were the ones that needed to be thrown off the plane. And refuse to anything. "What can we do? It is a baby."
Maybe tell them they have to keep their child quiet?! Maybe tell them to get a gd pacifier? Maybe not ignore the fact that every other passenger is awake as a result of infant screams?
How about asking the parents to take it to the bathroom and cry it out? Or how about telling the parents ANYTHING? They never once said anything to the parents!!!
I just shake my head at the companies like airlines or theaters that extend the privilege of free admission for children under five at the total and utter expense of everyone else's experience--all of whom paid full price for our admission. And to think when I shrieked as an example and many fellow members of our cabin woke up, they hinted at punishing me. But why? I'm the one who paid my ticket.
You as a couple are already privileged enough against me, the single person. So please, next time you decide to fly international with a monster, take a boat.