If you do not know who this is, you haven't been paying attention. Think The United States doesn't have a monarchy? Think again. This monarch sits atop a throne that would never be appropriate for any other royalty. It is simple. Plain. Made of wood. A throne and a voice that sits beside 8 other thrones of no greater or no less importance.
But hers is the voice that shuts down the other 8, for hers is a voice of reason, experience, knowledge, longevity, and a courage to stand up for equality. From this throne, she prevails over the land and stands for her people. We regard her as an aging, meager mentor.
Yet, she is a fierce ally to those indignantly oppressed and an even fiercer and formidable foe to those that challenge the rights of others. Many people of this land owe their lives of freedom to this great matriarch: for she is all that stands up to the face of tyranny. She will prevail. She will continue to lead us through on the path of justice and liberty.
If you don't yet know who this is, you had best soon figure it out. Because this is the Queen of America. And her vote is perhaps the greatest weapon we have as a country. This is RBG.