But wait--there's a catch: homosexual males must abstain from sexual intercourse with another man for a year to be able to qualify. They argue that this is in compliance with many other country's regulations on blood donation.
I'm sorry, but who in 2015 gives up sex for a year??? A degenerate? A nun? A monk? Straight, gay, orange, blue...no one ditches doing the nasty for a year and certainly not in order to do something as small and simple like giving blood.

Lest I remind this country that we test our blood supply these days and that this new policy doesn't stop some white frat guy from banging 50 chicks without as much as a regular medical check-up before bleeds into a tube and donates. But god forbid we allow gay men, who want to contribute to the blood supply that is already in desperate need of donations and replenishing, the right to do so. How is this not being told we have to sit at the back of the bus?

God forbid you actually treat gay people like more than second class citizens, either. In a sense, being told you have to refrain from frolicking for a year in order to participate is just as bad as being you can't sit at the table with the rest of us in the first place.