Monday, June 1, 2015

Kudos to Caitlyn

The only reputable person to come out of that whole K clan just gained a lot more respect from myself and the world.

The magazine cover seen 'round the globe: Introducing Caitlyn Jenner!

Caitlyn Jenner in Vanity Fair

Kudos to anyone who is brave enough to come out and be who they really are in front of a world that doesn't totally understand you. As I said in Dancing in My Underwear:

"...if you don't like something about yourself, then change it. Make the effort to embrace what you truly want to be. Be who you really are. Life is too damn short to live under somebody else's rules or to give a high holy hell as to what other people think you should be. Embrace yourself: you've only got one of you."

My hat's off to you, Ms. Jenner.