It all started with a boyfriend, a beach towel, a love affair, a sickening beat, a skimpy little dress—and I knew I was hooked. It wasn’t a slow growing of affection, either; It was love at first sight. From the second I saw you up until this point, I just can’t get you outta my head.
Sometimes it just takes a moment to make you realize you adore something. Other times, it happens instantaneously. With places and people. From the second I saw the music video for the song “Slow” by Kylie Minogue, I knew I was a fan. She is sexy, smart, seductive, small but larger than life. While most pop stars and music videos of the day featured major dance breaks with insane choreography, here was one of the biggest pop stars in the world laying on a beach towel for four minutes, and it was completely captivating.
It’s been nearly 15 years since I first “discovered”—or rediscovered—Kylie Minogue, and I haven’t stopped dancing since. Isn’t that what everyone wants out of their pop diva? A slew of hits that slay you and make you want to shake your ass? I’ve followed her career ever since 2004 and my love for her has only grown. Though we aren't together any more, her CD Body Language may have been the best Valentine's Day present a boyfriend ever gave me.
I am one of the most insecure people I know. Though I don’t often show it, I suffer mildly from depression. For a good portion of the time, I am a happy-go-lucky guy without a care in the world and happy to be alive. But very rarely, I can take myself to deep, dark places that are hard for me to crawl out of. I don’t like taking medicine, and my bouts with depression are few and far between. So, I handle the self-negativity in one of the only ways I know how to: by dancing it all away.
I’ve never been a good dancer. I hardly have rhythm and always move with two left feet. But, I just love to dance to music. From the second we “met” to even today, my favourite go to person to dance to is Kylie Minogue. Kylie never sings about “that horrible breakup” or “things are so awful”. Her songs are nearly always: “Get up! Don’t be sad. DANCE! You’re going to be fine!”
Sure, I love the philanthropist Kylie. The songwriter who has co-penned most of her biggest hits that donated an entire single’s proceeds to fight breast cancer—a battle she herself publicly fought and won. I love the writer Kylie for giving us some of the most incredible lyrics ever: “Every heartbeat, babe, is the soundtrack to your life,” or “You don’t have to worry don’t you turn and run: Turn around and face the sun,” or “Sky rocket to mars, straight through to your heart: every time we touch, I’m shooting stars”, or even coining epic phrases as some of your song titles “Better the devil you know,” “Love at First Sight”, “Can’t Get You Outta My Head”, “Sleeping with the enemy”, and more.
I love the actress Kylie Minogue whose random, yet scene stealing appearances in film and television like Neighbours, Moulin Rouge, San Andreas, Swinging Safari, Street, Fighter, Biodome, Kath and Kim, among many performances have granted her cult classic status. I adore the fashion icon Kylie Minogue, whose personal friendships with Jean Paul Gautier and Dolce and Gabanna among countless other stylists have her always looking like the living, breathing embodiment of a goddess.
I admire the business woman Kylie Minogue who has long had her own perfume, bedding, and now eye glasses lines, on top of sustaining one of the longest running reigns as a popstar. The brand alone that she has created for herself and reinvented numerous times along the way are enough to make anyone consider how she has remained relevant now for 30 years and counting.
J’adore the person that Kylie is. She is kind, funny, smart, humble, and real. She comes off as very down to earth and each and every time I have seen her perform, she always credits her performers, band, stage manager, and producers. I’m inspired by her constant optimism and willingness to share her life: something that I realized I could do too, partially thanks to Kylie’s positivity and upbeat attitude on life. That and her unwillingness to stray from being true to herself.
There are so many things I like about Kylie the person and artist. But for me, it started and will finish with the music. No matter how hard of a day I have had, no matter where my life is at, I can put on some Kylie Minogue and feel right with the world. No other person, other than my besties, have made me feel as right about myself as this lady has and does.
Today, Kylie Minogue turns 50 years old. In her new song and title track from her new #1 album, “Golden”, Kylie croons: “We’re not young and we’re not old. We’re the stories not yet told…” I have been so very blessed to have been around for the many stories Kylie has shared with the world and cannot wait for another 30 years of the stories not yet told.
Kylie, thank you for giving me so much joy and for making me feel like everything is going to be just fine. I love you, keep spinning around, keep inspiring us, don’t stop writing or being yourself. I’ll keep dancing in my underwear to your music and staying true to myself, too. Kylie Minogue, Goddess of Pop: you truly are GOLDEN.
“La la la…la la la la la….la la la…la la la la la…”