Monday, April 21, 2014

Put a needle in it!

I've struggled with headaches all of my adult life. These last two weeks I've had a consistent, mild migraine that has kept me from writing, overly working, and has diminished my overall quality of life. So I decided to put a needle in it. 

No not like heroin, you crazy kids! 

Acupuncture!!! :

Thanks to my final, reluctant joining of Obamacare, I'm now paying a huge premium that I intend on milking like a prostate in order to feel like I'm getting my money's worth. When I found out that I qualify for free acupuncture treatment a block from my house, my healthcare frown suddenly turned upside down.

I was inspired by my sister Jami -who suffers from migraines and poor arch support in her feet- getting acupuncture to deal with her ailments. I have long been a firm believer in Eastern medicine, and because I suffer mildly from both myself, I thought I would give acupuncture a try. 

After my 4th session, I feel like I'm hooked. I'm sleeping better, my headaches have been alleviated, and I'm dealing with aches and pains in ways I never knew possible. 

I really enjoy both the acupuncture and the cupping that comes with it. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I most certainly do not mean "cupping" in reference to grabbing your junk. Cupping is the suctioning of heated jars and cups to your flesh in order to draw out toxins. Like below:

Hopefully I will be able to continue on my path to a better, healthier me. It seems like acupuncture has become a new bit of therapy for me. I'll write more later as my journey of having needles shoved into my flesh and enflamed glass containers suctioned onto me continues!