I'm sure the word "marriage" will be on everyone's lips today as the United States Supreme Court just denied hearing ANY of the lgbt marriage equality cases knocking on their door.
The outcome of NOT deciding to decide whether or not to decide upon previous decisions made, means that any of these court rulings will stand as is. In the Queen's tongue, that means the number of states with marriage equality will immediately jump from 19 to 24 and might jump as much as 6 more beyond that.

This ruling will effect Utah, Oklahoma, Virginia, Indiana, and Wisconsin at first, and will later effect North Carolina, West Virginia, South Carolina, Wyoming, Kansas and Colorado.
By the end of the day today, or at least by the end of the week, the United States will have a majority of states with same-sex marriage for the first time in our history! By sidestepping the issue and letting US vs Windsor do all the dirty work, the Supreme Court really has just changed the course of history.

This is major news for the battle for our civil rights not just in America, but the world.