Today, I introduce my online world to my best friend: Ariane. Today is her birthday, and being her best friend means never telling her real age. But it does mean I get to tell you about her!

Ariane and I have known one another and been friends for almost 20 years. (Sorry girl- cats outta the bag!) We attended the same middle school together and have been friends ever since. Like any friendship, ours has seen highs and lows, and a lot of celebrating each other's lives.
As I sit here writing this, a thought occurs to me: how can one blog entry summarize a lifetime of adventures, conversations, loves, relationships, and experiences shared between yourself and a bestie? Alas, I simply cannot write all of our experiences down in one sitting. But the infinitesimal amounts of love and adventures we have taken on in our lives are memories that will last me my entirety of mine.
What I can tell you is this- something I should tell her every single day:
I love Ariane so much and am so damn proud of her. She inspires me to be a better person every day.
On December 18, 2010, she married the man of her dreams.

Her soul mate. I was lucky enough to be her man of honor that day in what proved to be one of the best days of my life.

She and Richard have built a beautiful life together.

On May 17th, 2012, they welcomed the newest addition to their family: Hadley Mae

I know from being raised by a single mother that being a wife and mother is the hardest job on the planet. Many people would have quit school or quit working to be able to raise their child at home.
While Ariane spends as much time as she can with her daughter, she decided against halting her own life, and instead turned herself into ROBOMOM.
To this day, Ariane is a full time mother. A full time wife. But she is also a full time student. And an artist. And still works as a cosmetologist while she is finishing her degree. There was even a time last year when she was attending two different universities on separate sides of the city, at the same time, just to be able to conquer her dreams and get the classes she needs to graduate. At the moment, she is also student teaching as a fulfillment of her education.
I laugh when people tell me they are busy in 2014. Yes there are times when life can be stressful, but the way I see it, the two busiest people on earth are Barack Obama and my best friend Ariane Vagen. (Yet I have never seen the President pick up my phone calls!) Ariane is truly a juggler of life.

I honestly don't know how she does it. I am constantly inspired by her perseverance and her dedication. She wants the best for herself, the best for her daughter, and the best for her family. Through all of this hard work, I never see her get down. She is always kind, always sweet, always funny, and always living.

I have been so blessed to have been here to witness my friend on her journey and to have been there for several of the most important events in her life and mine. I cannot wait to see where our paths take us next.
While I cannot see the future, I know in my heart that we will always be friends. I will always be proud of her, and she will always inspire me to achieve my dreams.
Somehow, through all of it, she remains my biggest fan. She is my biggest cheerleader- constantly encouraging me along the way and applauding my victories, as well. I wouldn't be where I am at now without the support and love that she has shown me through the years. She has not only been a friend to me, but has made me a part of her family.

I will always be grateful to you Ariane, for just simply being you. I love you so much and hope you have a fantastic birthday!