I find it to be a very moving, hilarious at times, and gutwrenchingly, terribly horrific. The directing is very good and the performances are completely stellar. Julia Roberts gives the performance of her career. Jim Parsons slays us with his humor and brutal honesty about hatred towards gays. Matt Bomer and Taylor Kitsch brought me to tears. And Mark Ruffalo? His performance of Ned Weeks was jaw dropping. Hilarious. Shocking. And without a doubt inspirational. I loved his character and the fighting spirit he embodied. In fact, I see a lot of myself in Ned Weeks/Larry Kramer.

I think it is high time we start having more conversations about HIV and AIDS in this country. 30 years after the initial outbreak of the Virus, 36 Million people worldwide today are infected. 30 Million have died. Why do we still not have a cure or a vaccine?
A lot of information and misinformation has gone around the interwebs about PrEP and ways to prevent exposure to HIV and these are advancements that need to be looked at, studied, and executed by all of us.
I plan on getting a lot more involved in the activist side of fighting HIV and anti HIV stigma.

And I hope you do too. The tag line for the movie is "To Win a war, you have to start one."
Let the battle begin.