I feel like today is the gayest day in history- or at least the most accepting, progressive day I have seen in a long time.
Same sex marriages began in Arkansas today- a first for the state and the United States' South. As of yet- NO APPEAL HAS BEEN ASKED FOR BY THE STATE!!!

The first was marriage was for the plaintiffs Kristin Seaton, 27, and Jennifer Rambo, 26 in the case that struck down Arkansas' marriage ban yesterday. What a beautiful and radiant couple these two ladies are! I expect to see the gay media using them as a model for happy, gorgeous gay couples soon!
Then Conchita Wurst won Eurovision two hours ago. If you do not know who that is, Conchita is a famous drag queen/performer from Austria and has gained world wide attention for being a drag queen- IN A BEARD! Her song, "Rise Like a Phoenix" is also a fab anthem song that I cannot wait to hear get remixed for the summer! A stellar song sung by a fantastic artist!

And lastly, Michael Sam- the first openly gay college football player- was drafted by the St. Louis Rams today. Espn showed the moment he received the phone call and even aired a kiss between Sam and his Boyfriend on NATIONAL TV. A first for ESPN and our country. The United States now has an openly gay NFL player! Snaps for Michael Sam!

What a great day for acceptance! I couldn't be happier for all parties involved.
To watch Conchita's amazing performance, copy and paste the link below!