Saturday, May 17, 2014

Late night aMUSEings

Today is one of my best friend's birthdays as well as my god niece Hadley's birthday. One of them is in Seattle while another of them is in St. Louis.

 Talking to my best friend tonight made me a little sad: why have I not found a publisher, published my book, won a series of awards and a spot on the best sellers list so that I can pay to see the people I love all the time?!? Why why why?

Seriously, my dreams are getting published and making just enough money off of my humorous short story writing that I can afford to travel all the time. That's it. No mansion. No Lamborghini. Just a passport and adventure. Maybe also some red wine...

Seriously tho- when I think about it, I have friends on 5 continents. I've met them through my friends, traveling, studying abroad, through couchsurfing, and through my own adventures. One day, I would seriously love to have all my friends together in one room.

Now that would truly make me happy.

Good night world.