Friday, September 5, 2014

Jeffrey Goes Abroad

Always surround yourself with people who are going to inspire you and challenge what you perceive the world to be. 

My friend Jeffrey is currently inspiring me. I think we have all wanted, at some point in our lives, to just sell everything we own and backpack Europe. Figure it all out when we get there. Start over and make a new life for ourselves. And leave our lives up to fate and God. Step off the edge of the preverbal cliff and let go.

In less than a month, I say goodbye and adieu to a fast friend that has become a great addition to my life. Because Jeffrey has decided to grab life by the balls and just do it! Like a modern day Frost, Jeff's two roads diverged and he is taking off on the bohemian highway straight for Europe. Like a lot of mid-twenty-year olds with the weight of their future--at the time of a recession--on their shoulders, he is looking to explore the old continent and eventually settle in whatever city he finds most becoming.

I love that about him: the final decision he made to just sell off most of his stuff and move to Europe in hopes of a better, fuller future. And I find his story of wanting to backpack and see the world so romantic and so beautiful at the same time. Jeffrey was me in my 20s. Jeffrey is me now. I will always have wanderlust and part of me is certainly jealous of him. (I write this with a smile on my face.)

Some people you might call crazy for wanting to just abandon their life and start anew like an 1800s immigrant. The way Jeff sees it; however, is that this is his time to swim or fly and he's standing on the cliff with his wings out. I would probably say most people would be crazy for wanting to start over in a totally new country. Yet, I don't think Jeffrey of all people as "starting over" versus expanding his empire. The courage this undertaking'll require will be massive. 

The way I sees it is this: He is an artist--not bound by any place or time. I've seen some of his work with hair and makeup and he very well could make a huge name for himself. He's that good. And the creative energy that flows from him is infectious. Any artistic team would be lucky to have his visionary mind behind or involved with their project. 

As I write this, Jeff currently has a billboard on La Cienega Boulevard and Santa Monica Boulevard here in Los Angeles that he worked on.

That's how I know Jeffrey is going to be OK when he moves to Europe. There is a look in his eye when he speaks about visions or concepts he can create that guarantees he will be successful in anything he does. In the meanwhile, he is moving to a new continent where he hardly knows anyone. Brave ass soldier/boss style! So, if any of my friends or anyone reading this has any suggestions or contacts, you can pass them onto me or on to Jeffrey's email. Got a photoshoot you need done up for? Make up/hair work?

Or if you'd like to help fund the start of my friend's new life and career:

Here is some of his extraordinary work:

God speed and much love to you, my little Moisha! 

Contact Jeffrey @: