Thursday, August 29, 2013


I'm so sick of über liberals thinking that President Obama is perfect. He is a man, therefore, he is anything but PERFECT.

In 2008, the then Presidential Candidate Barak Obama made promises to leave medical marijuana laws in place in states like California and the other 23 states that have medical marijuana laws on the books. He promised, if elected president, that he would not use his agencies and raid our growers and dispensaries of marijuana. Soon after becoming president, Obama made a 180 and instructed his Department of Justice to start raiding marijuana dispensaries across the country.

A promise is a promise. Breaking that promise in 23 states at least 10 times is not an accident nor "getting all the departments in line." He made that promise to us liberals so we would further back him and then pulled away from his promises- to appease a middle ground that will never support him 100%- as soon as he got elected.

Yes I know the Repubs suck, but so do the Dems. Not every single action made by a human being is defendable. NOT EVERYTHING REPUBLICANS DO IS BAD AND YES, THE PRESIDENT HAS LIED and CHEATED just like every politician. Monsanto, party of one? Libya? Syria? Bueller?!?

He lied, and now he's slowly backpeddling because he is realizing what every president since Carter has realized: The war on drugs is losing. LOTS of money is being lost. Think about how much money his DOJ costs us every time he raids a slew of dispensaries here in California. This new ruling only effects Colorado and Washington.

His cartels of Justice Department storm troopers are basically doing what a brief published today is promising NOT TO DO:

According to the guidance, DOJ will still prosecute individuals or entities to prevent:

revenue from the sale of marijuana from going to criminal enterprises, gangs and cartels;
the diversion of marijuana from states where it is legal under state law in some form to other states...

You can read the whole brief here:

By criminalizing state laws that protect patients, their rights, and the rights of consumers and producers to participate in a capitalist economy, all Obama is really doing is putting the drugs and revenues back in the hands of criminals

It's my constitutional right and duty in my mind to question our leadership. I just dont understand people who shove all of his dirty antics under the mat and still think he is the great white hope of a president. He's been decent. Thats all. Better than Bush, better than McCain or Romney woulda been, but still just very decent.