Tuesday, November 26, 2013

From Russia with Hate

To LA with love...

After spending another layover in Moscow I can safely say I won't be going back to Mother Russia anytime soon.

They are just such miserable people. The sun didn't even come up until noon and set at 3 pm... No wonder they are so rude and awful.

Then I traveled nearly 9000 miles and 12 hours back home to le city of Angels.
The weather here is nearly 80 degrees and sunny as a baby's ass.

I had the trip of my life, but never have I ever been so grateful to be home back in LALALAnd where gay people can be free to be US. People. 

I sure did do a bathroom selfie Tilda Swinton pic in the bathroom of Moscow airport, tho. I wanted to leave the flag in an envelope addresses to Vladimir Putin, but I figured it totes woulda been discovered by the cleaning lady and wouldn't be understood as it woulda been written in English. Better safe, then sorry!

Anyways, here's a shot I took from the plane of my city. It ain't always pretty but Los Angeles is most certainly home for me.