Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving /Therapy 7

Today is a day when most Americans are counting their blessings, spending time with family, celebrating the gift of life, and being grateful for all the many things/people we are blessed to have in our lives.

This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for a lot of things, especially after returning from Europe. 

I am so blessed to have my mother here in town to spend this day with me. She is my rock and I will love her always. I'm grateful to have a family that supports me and loves me unconditionally.

I am grateful to have the friends and support system I have in my life. I don't think I would still be alive today with out them.

Lastly, I'm thankful that I am an American living in the U.S. in 2013. I live in a country where more than 30% of our citizens can legally get married, despite your gender or sexual orientation. I live in a country that rallies together in support of our friend the Philippines. I live in a country where freedom of speech is not only celebrated, it is mandatory and a corner stone of out belief system. Finally, I live in a country where one can still be whatever one chooses to be.

(Map of states with marriage equality)

This Thanksgiving, I don't think I have ever been so proud to be an American. As a nation, we are not perfect, but we strive to give our citizens the best life that they choose to live.

I'm thankful for the life I have chosen for myself. In therapy, I realized that I am most happy being me, despite my shortcomings or idiosyncrasies. I'm thankful I was raised by such strong women in my life who always taught me to stand up for myself and that not being as strong physically didn't make me less than anyone.

Thank you to all my family and friends for helping contribute to my happiness. I will always be grateful. I will always be thankful to you for doing what you do best: being you!