So I went to the library to return some books- yes, I still go to the library!
Anyway, the library didn't open until 10 and I hadn't realized this until I drove over there. So as I contemplated waiting for the biblioteca to open, I sat in my car.
All of a sudden a really hot guy walks up walking his dog. He's looking down at his phone, then up at me. Then down at his phone, and up at me. I look down at my phone, pretending not to notice him looking at me, and then I look up at him. I smile. He smiles.
He walks his dog closer to my car. Embarrassed and always so insecure when it comes to handling meeting really hot guys, I looked down again at my phone. He won't stop starring. I start to sweat.
I look back up at this hottie- In his Oakland A's hat turn backwords, his basketball shorts and hightops, and I blush. He's super cute.
He looks at me, but then stops with his dog right next to my car.
"God- what do I do? What do I do?" I'm thinking. How do I handle this? Why can I not lift my left index finger and lower the passenger side window and talk to this guy?
Finally, I regress to being a chicken shit and look back at my phone as he decides to walk back in the direction he came from with his dog.
But one more glance back in my direction told me that he was obvio interesto in Koelo.
So why couldn't I just be a man and say something to this hottie? Yeah, maybe he is totally ripped and out of my league, but I am sexy too, damnit, and driving a smartcar that closely resembles a Star Warsian Storm Trooper helmet must give me a leg up in his world, right?
"Ok Koelen, you can do this!" I said to myself as I noticed the guy sat down on a retaining wall and again looked back in my direction.
Just drive up, tell him you noticed him checking you out, and that you don't have much time, but oh here is your business card and if he would like to call you (me) that would be rad.
"What have I got to lose?"
I shift my car out of park and into drive. I pull up right in front of where the guy is sitting and roll down my window.
-"you can do this!"-
So he walks up and sunlight hit his green eyes. *WOOF* I swallowed hard and began to speak when he walked up to my car.
"Hey," he said. He was really sexy in his addressing me.
"Hey," I said back. Right as I was about to tell him godknowswhat, he asked
"Are you the guy with my keys?"
"Keys?" I asked. "No I am just returning some library books."
So stupid.
"Oh," he said. "Yeah some friend of my roommate is dropping off his keys and so I am waiting for him. I thought it was you because I have never met the guy!"
Oh," I said. And like an idiot, I said "yeah, no just returning my stuff to the library."
"Oh well they should be opening soon, if you want to wait. There's the guy," hottie said, as the perpetrator pulled up with this guys keys.
"Oh ok," I said and drove off!
I don't know if it is the fact that I am taking a short, sweet, quiet little trip to San Francisco for the day or the fact that i just watched episode 1 of HBO's
Looking, but i just felt so dumb!
And why i didn't just hand the guy my business card and tell him I thought he was hot instead of driving away like a little pussy I will never know. At the very least he probably would have checked out my blog!
Oh well. Lesson learned: Man up when you really want something or someone!!!