I'm here on the plane now, and a bunch of the students are trying to frantically fill out journal entries. I'm glad I did do this journal, because that way I can take these here sleeping pills and sleep from here to Los Angeles on Iggi's shoulder without having to worry about making up a journal out of my ass.
I realized through this trip that I can accomplish anything. I went on this trip, saw as much as I could, and slept less than ANYONE. I never rested, but had some of the most amazing experiences of my life whilst here in Europe. I realized I need to stand up for myself more and to never say "never". I never said "never" on this trip and never slept, yet accomplished everything I wanted. I learned on this Study Abroad holiday that I really can do anything as long as I stay positive.
OH! Gotta go. Time to buckle up my seat belt! The plane is taking off soon.
Goodbye Paris! Goodbye London! GOODBYE EUROPE!!!
Some of my most favouritest pics from the trip: