Lion in Winter? Wolf of Mall Street? The Secret Life of Lion of Wall Street? The Secret Life of Saving Mr. Banks from HER Wall Street?!?
Anyhow, Scorsese knocked another one out of the park with this one. I had forgotten about HUGO and didn't realize ol' Marty had produced a few things since his epic The Departed. Though the Wolf of Wall Street isn't Scorsese's typical gangster shoot-em-up, I was still nonetheless enchanted by his vision and story telling.
Someone needs to just throw Leonardo DiCaprio an Oscar for the quaalude sequence with the stairs. And Martin Scorsese just kept the cameras rolling!

If I had to make one call, I would say the film was too long. Yes, I saw it at the midnight showing with my friend Edison, so we were in the theatre until after 3:30 in the morning, but still. I would have cut all of Mathew Mcconaughey's scene from the film, despite his excellent delivery of the character.
If I had to rank this film of despicable greed, corruption, profanity, and filth, I would probably give it a 4.5 out of 5 stars. It was highly entertaining.

How the hell did I forget that one of the BEST things about the Lion of Wall Street was the best supporting actress appearance by none other than the most famoustest Brit next to the Queen Herself: The comedically amazing PATSY STONE aka Joanna Lumley!!!

Not to be a spoiler, but she and Leo share quite a steamy moment on a park bench in the film!

*** ***
One thing this film really did for me was reinforce the money factor. Money can buy you absolutely everything in this world today: homes, women, men, cars, islands, countries.
Money will never make you happy. It just temporarily makes being lonely a bit easier. But it will never buy you love.
Never forget that.