So Andrew Christian is hiring a professional blogger! Hello! They are looking for someone audacious to join their team and help bring in a whole new audience through social media. Who else but yours truly would be more fit for the job? I own more than 20 pairs of those undies, after all!!!
Instead of a cover letter, he asked applicants to write a mock blog post as to why I would be the perfect candidate. Below is what I wrote. Whether I get hired or not is up to Mr. Christian, but it was a fun process either way!

You could probably give a shit about the fact that I've lived on three continents in such cities as Sydney and Paris...
You could probably give a rat's a$$ that I just won a writing contest and scholarship to UCLA...
It really doesn't matter that I'm an event manager and have worked for the same party planning company for 7 years...
You're Andrew Christian:
What you want to hear is that I'm a Sedaris/Bradshaw-ian, short-story-writing, love child.
That I'm fiercely fucking formidably fashionable and consistently consciously contemporary.
That I started my personal blog 6 months ago and already have 11,000 views on it.
You're Andrew Christian.

You want wham bam thank you ma'am, in your face, reel 'em in realness that helps usher in a new era for Andrew Christian.
You're obviously looking for a blogger who is a hit making, pop culture savvy, vernacular genius who can help lasso Andrew Christian into a global phenomenon.
And I'm the writer/glogger who's wordplay is crafty enough, smart enough, in your face enough, social media-tastic enough, and edgy enough to make that happen!
I'm smart, well traveled, well read, funny, creative, and I make my audience enthralled in whatever it is that I write. I'm passionate about my words because I truly believe they are the poetry of my soul.