Though Missouri governor Jay Nixon has yet to honor several online petitions asking for Jeff Mizanskey's parole and or freedom, the conservative Democrat governor of Missouri did take strides today towards a path of progressivism.
According to an article by the Washington Post from November 15th, 2013, seen here:
Nixon has said that Missouri will honor 2013 tax returns filed by same sex couples.

“Many Missourians, including myself, are thinking about these issues of equality in new ways and reflecting on what constitutes discrimination. To me, that process has led to the belief that we shouldn’t treat folks differently just because of who they are,” Nixon said Thursday, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. “I think if folks want to get married, they should be able to get married.”
Snaps for my home state!

Now, if only Nixon would man up and free Jeff Mizanskey. If you don't know what I'm talking about, refer (get it?!?) to my blog here:
or call Nixon's office at (573) 751-3222 and demand the release of Jeff Mizanskey