A lot of people have top lists of the music from twenty-thirteen. I tried to say what was my top album was, but I think I can only name my top 4 albums from last year.
I've come a long way from my high school years of listening the the Chili Peppers and Incubus. Some might say I have regressed into a pop obsession, but I say I have developed my tastes into something further: an appreciation for all music that makes me want to DANCE!
The world was right again when I had an import shipped in of my second favourite touring band:

ALPHABEAT's newest and third studio release, EXPRESS NON-STOP, saw these "Wilde Politzei" reach new levels of poptasticness. Their epic first singles of "Love Sea" and "Vacation" had me dancing and shaking my tooshie all over Los Angeles.

If you don't know ALPHABEAT, you should give them a try. Based out of Denmark, this euro band of 6 members: including a male AND female lead singer, is sure to get you dancing with their electronic, 80's obsessed sound.

I cannot recommend them enough. In a day and age when music can be so divisive, ALPHABEAT's music just makes you want to smile. And DANCE!
Speaking of divisive, one cannot mention 2013 without mentioning Mother Monster. Yes, I'm referring to the one and only LADY GAGA. Her newest album ARTPOP

has done nothing but blow me away! I find that I enjoy more than 8 tracks on this album, which speaks volumes, to me, in terms of overall album enjoyment.
Typically we get weird Gaga. Or trying to prove something Gaga. With ARTPOP, Lady Gaga has solidified her position, in my opinion, as a pop song writing diva that is here to stay for a long time.
This album just makes me feel good. "Looking good, and feelin' fine. Lookin' good and feelin' fine!" Songs like "Fashion", "Donatella", "G.U.Y.", and "Gypsy" make me want to rip off my close and dance around my living room in my underwear.
I wouldn't say I'm biased either. I didn't even care for Gaga until she released Born this Way, and even then I wasn't hooked.
I'm a sucker for lyrics, and this album features bonified artistry:
"Like Dorothy on the yellow brick,
Hope my ruby shoes get us there quick.
'Cause I left everyone I love at home."
Hope my ruby shoes get us there quick.
'Cause I left everyone I love at home."
Don't leave this album at home, kids. F&@$ the critics and pick up ARTPOP before all the other kids realize what I did while shaking my ass to this soundtrack in Spain and Italy- that ARTPOP is exactly that: a piece of pop art!
The least mainstream of any of these artists on my list is actually my favourite touring band in the world:
Everyone knows about my adoration for anything from Down Undah, especially my love affair with the biggest pop star in the world: Miss Kylie Minogue.
But CUT/COPY is proving to be a close second. Originally from Melbin, Australia, this trio of electronic-lisciousness released their fourth studio album Free Your Mind towards the end of last year.
I'm still wrapping my brain around the delicious electronic sounds that make up Free Your Mind. While most people on earth haven't heard of Cut/Copy since they are not "pop" music, they do stand tall in the world of electronica after winning the ARIA and Grammy in 2012 for Best Dance/Electronia release.
I couldn't describe them better if I tried. When I want consistent beats that blow my mind or enchanting lyrics that stretch the bounds of modern poetry, I throw on a Cut/Copy album.
"Meet me in a house of Love" is 6 minutes of bliss. You see, the greatness of Cut/Copy is also their full use of a song and it's ebb and flow. They start their audience out on a journey with each song that goes through numerous progressions and changes before delivering you the climax like a birthday cake at a surprise party. By the time the tracks "Free your Mind" or "We are Explorers" have finished, the audience is left exhausted: having been taken on a trip of audio delight and pulsating beauty.
I highly recommend this album and feel like I have got to give it more chances.
2013 wouldn't be complete without mentioning probably my favourite album of the year (ok, I guess I do have a favourite):
Electric by none other than The Pet Shop Boys!
Sure I liked 8 or so tracks on ARTPOP, but to say I enjoyed EVERY single on an album in 2013 is a rare occurrence. Yet, I enjoyed everything about Electric!
Considering both members of The Pet Shop Boys are nearly 60 years old (!!!), it's hard to believe that these two put out a fantastic pop-electronic album, but they did. There is a reason why Billboard names these two the most successful duo to ever come out of the UK. With more than 50 million albums sold and a career as a band that spands more than 30 years now, the Pet Shop Boys didn't just make music gold with Electric, they could possibly be changing the face of pop music forever.
"Bolshy" was my single most favourite song of all of 2013, with its progressive beats, incredible lyrics, and infectious rhythms.
While tracks like "Axis", "Thursday", and "Vocal" help but the cherry on top of this delicious, delectable cake of musical genius.
One simply cannot stop dancing to this entire album. Electric makes me hope this duo keeps making music together for another 30 years!
These were the 4 albums that shaped my 2013. In a year that was pretty calm music wise, these 4 albums stood out to me as classic examples of why the music industry is actually in excellent shape today.
I cannot wait for 2014. Not just for the newest Kylie record, but also to see how the music industry continues to evolve.
#alphabeat #expressnonstop #ladygaga #mothermonster #artpop #fashion #cutcopy #freeyourmind #lightsandmusic #petshopboys #electric #bolshy #kylie #kylieminogue #koelen