Today marks the last full day one of my best friends will be living in Lost Angeles. My buddy Danny Henningsen is leaving the City of Angels and moving on to greener pastures in Colorado.
Sure, I know it's only an hour and 20 minute plane ride or 17 hour road trip away, but I'm gonna miss him a lot.
I don't have many friends in Los Angeles or anywhere like Danny. He is always down to go with the flow and participate in whatever crazy plans or shenanigans I might get us into.
He is always there to listen to me when I'm down.
He has been one of my rocks this past year and a half.
When not many were willing to stand by me, he was always on "Team Koelen" and has always been so supportive of me. You just don't often meet people in this world like Danny.

The two of us met when singing in the Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles.
But before we officially met, I had seen him around West Hollywood roller blading or working at Yogurt Stop. I remember something about him kinda bothered me at first: I don't know if it was his long hair, his confidence, or his uplifting, happy-go-lucky attitude. Whatever it was, I realized soon what was really bothering me: I found myself being jealous of him and his extremely positive outlook on life.
You see Danny is so full of happiness. He makes everyone around him feel better about themselves by lifting them up with not only encouraging words, but by his positive energy. He can find the beauty in anything and everyone.

It's what led me to eventually date him. He was a fantastic boyfriend. One of my best. Danny was not only a great friend, he was a great and passionate lover. Possibly one of the best people I have ever had sex with. (Who else can make me orgasm twice, back to back, in one setting?!? Within 5 minutes of each other?!? ;) )
We were young and I was stupid and unable to whole-y love anyone at the moment, so we broke up. But the amazing thing about Danny is that he still wanted to be a part of my life. He still wanted to be friends and be open about what we had had.

I didn't realize this at the time, but I learned so much from dating Danny, going through a breakup with him, and then resolving our relationship into a friendship. It's probably the most mature relationship I have ever had.
He helped me grow and become a better person. Over the years, he has stood by my side through thick and thin and I couldn't ask for a better friend. Though younger than me, I realized that he is wise beyond his years and has become a very good man in his own right.

Who else shows up to all your events? Who else shows up to all your parties? Who can I call at almost any time of the day and he will answer his phone? Who will pick me up from LAX last minutey? Who will sign up to stay with my ferret for two weeks when I'm in Europe? Who else wears my clothes better than me?

Sometimes life puts distances between you and the people you love the most. I know this distance is only temporary, but I'm gonna miss the shit outta you, Danny Henningsen. I'm sorry to have blasted you like this to the whole world. But I want everyone to know that you, my friend, will always have a place in my heart. You will always have a place to stay, you will always have a friend. You will always have an ear. We will always be connected.
Danny- you sexy beast. I hope you never change. You are truly beautiful inside and out. Anyone who has ever had the chance to get to know you is blessed and a better person for it. I love you so much, man!!! I wish you all the best in Colorado and a safe and speedy return to L.A.
You. changed. my. life.

Now put on your dancing shoes- tonight we dance at Akbar to give you a proper send off in only a way Koelen and Danny would!