A Foggy Day in Londontown
July 18th, 2009:

Today was the day we were supposed to go to Canterbury and see the white cliffs of Dover. Yet this was also our last day in London. I wasn't feeling well when I woke, so I decided not to go. (I told the teachers and wrote in my journal that I wasn't feeling well, but really I was secretly staging a coup d'etat and recruiting other members of the trip to not go and keep me company ;) )

(Later, as I would find out from many of my trip mates, that the trip was boring and not at all worth it. It ended up raining and so the entire trip was spent on the bus. Did I make the right decision? I think so!) Plus, Tessa and Rachel were going, and I frankly did not want to get sick from being trapped on a bus and sharing the same germs and air as them!

I got outta bed around 12 noon to find Ernie, Iggi, Jenny, and Julia had stayed as well. We all decided that since we hadn't yet taken advantage of our city tour, that we would spend our day doing just that.

We took the tube to Trafalgar and power walked through the British National gallery. We jumped on the city tour bus, which was ok, but it was also pretty long. We drove over the London Bridge and got off the bus at the Tower of London.

We were all crazy hungry at this point, so we stopped at a sushi place right there on the Thames, (which makes me question the source of their seafood…) then tubed it back to our hotel.

Some of us studied when the group was reunited after their trip to Dover and others were packing. We leave for Paris very early in the morning, and yet none of us are really ready to let London go. It's been a really fun time here.

Paris holds a lot of mysteries. A new language, new food, new culture, new people to get used to. So at one point, we are all really scared to go, yet excited for what the future holds.

Iggi and I decided to have one last British hoorah, and so we went out drinking. I subsequently lost my camera, at some point, and I kept saying to everyone that "London ate my camera".

I wouldn't remember any of this in the morning, of course, after having had an excessive amount of gin…