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I just had to comment on something I find hilarious. Does anyone else have that "friend" online that you know most likely can't stand you, yet won't delete you?
You know, the guy who only added you because he wanted to fuck your friend 2 years ago and thought at the time it would somehow get him closer to your friend by adding you as an online friend?
Yet, for some strange reason, they won't delete you!?!!!
I have a few of those "friends" on my Facebook and frankly I just love to mess with them.
You know, comment on their status posts.
Encourage them.
Sympathize with them.
Try and relate to them.
Always nice things and supportive things.
Kinda like a stalker would, except that in this case you are only doing it to them because:
a.) you are genuinely a nice person
b.) it will hopefully teach them a lesson that they never really should've added someone that they hardly knew just to get into someone else's pants in the first place.