July 14th, 2009:
Today I woke up and almost immediately went running.
I had to get the events from yesterday out of my head.

All day yesterday I spent detoxing and trying to make myself as healthy as possible. We spent the afternoon at the Tate museum, and suffice to say that I can only remember two works of art from the whole museum: One painting depicted homosexual oral sex.

The other painting, to the side of the first painting, showed two men urinating into one another's mouths.

That's the only art I remember from the whole trip to the museum yesterday. Am I stunted or just scarred for life?
Anyways, the running really helped. While the others were in class, Jenny and I went to Buckingham palace to take pictures and strolled through Hyde Park.

We made it just in time for our English class, where we concluded studying about Oscar Wilde. He was one crazy, unlucky bastard!
Lunch was quick because today was the day we went to the British Museum. Such a rad museum! So much art from all over the world. We saw the Rosetta Stone, a stone statue of Ramses II, and many other amazing pieces.

I was thrilled to see, in person, so many famous pieces of art and of history, yet kinda shocked at how much colonial Europe pillaged and plundered the treasures of the rest of the world.
I left the museum to go home and get my camera charger and soon thereafter met up with Cloe and Ernie.

We walked around and shopped for a bit, but we had to be back at the hotel @ 5:30 to enable us to go the performance of Troilus and Cressida at the Globe Theatre. Our slacker asses didn't even end up leaving the hotel until 6:30 and we were later because of me.
We took the tube to the theater and Ernie kept saying we wouldn't make it in time because we were so late; and that because we were with a group, that our tickets might've only be valid with our group. I kept up with my positive attitude and kept saying we would find a way. We could talk our way in or something. By the time we got there, the performance had barely started, and yet again we were victorious in getting in! Sometimes when there is a will and determination, nothing can hold you back!

The show was great, the men were hot, and the beer afterwards made us all tipsy enough to want to retire shortly after returning to the hotel.