July 11th, 2009:
3 times the charm, baby! Took the train again to Oxford Circus and ran all of the way back to the hotel, which felt great. But truth be told, I never did go to sleep after that party in the girls' room last night, so I ran purely on adrenaline. I even ate breakfast with Professor Zusman and the gang before class, but by the time I was sitting through half of Simpson's lecture, I started to not feel well.

Thank god today was a free day because I spent most of this rainy day inside hanging out with Ernie. We had heard that Manon and Miranda were trying to go see "Avenue Q" in the West End and Ernie and I really wanted to go too. Once Julia and Jenny got wind of the idea, they were in as well, so all we had to do was get ahold of Miranda and Manon. And that did happen, but by the time we reached them, we were too late for the 5:30 show.

We didn't even have tickets, we just got dressed up and headed out the door towards the tube station. It was starting to rain harder, and by the time we were in the station, we were already damp. We got off at Leicester Square and only had 20 minutes before the start of the show and the theater was 6 blocks away. The rain was starting to pick up and we only had one umbrella amongst the 6 of us, so I agreed to run ahead to hopefully get us tickets. I ran as fast as I could in my Gucci loafers and kept telling myself "Yes, we WILL make it to this show. We WILL succeed!!"

I reached the ticket counter and --looking like a drowned muskrat-- I asked what tickets they had left. To my bewilderment, they only had 8 seats available in the entire house, so I had just barely secured tickets for us! We had front row balcony seats that we each paid 15 pounds for, so we felt like rockstars! The show was touching, hilarious, and everything I had remembered it being from when I first saw it on Broadway in 2003.

Wish the whole gang was there with us!