July 23rd, 2009:
Today was finals day in both teacher's classes. The Zusman final was good. I felt solid about it. Simpson's bloody final was rubbish! (Keep in mind after reading these entries that I submitted this very journal to Professor Simpson for a grade!) I spent all that time reading all of the required reading material, and yet Simpson's test had little to nothing to do with the actual reading. It had little to do with pertinent information and more to do with stupid shit like which author was married to whom or where they were from, or if they were English or Scottish or Irish.

Nothing to do with what these people actually wrote. It really bugs me that I probably flunked the final because of how fucking lame that test was! Oh well, finals means school is out for summer, and that I would never have to take another class from that hippy again!
Professor Simpson spent so many lectures talking to us about opening our doors of perception that I don't think it ever would have occurred to him that we would use that as an excuse against him. The group was supposed to go to the Musee d'Orscy. But we had done so many tours of so many museums at this point and were so done with his class that we said "F it" and went shopping instead. Our doors wanted to not perceive anymore bloody art or history! We spent a mild amount of time on the Champs-Elysées and a good amount of time in a gay men's clothing designer's boutique: Mike Sweetman.
I had an interesting experience doing laundry today. I was sick of not being able to work out all the fabulous clothes I had worn in London, so I went around the corner to do laundry. It was very different. Their laundromats are much smaller than ours, but they have the same tiled floors and same terrible lighting. One thing that was interesting is the baskets or carts you transport your wet laundry from the washer to the dryer weren't carts at all. They were these knee high tripod looking baskets with handles that extended from the basket's foot tall status up until about your waste: no wheels, just legs. Very interestingly impractical, if you ask me.
We celebrated the end of school by drinking and shopping, shopping and drinking, and more drinking and shopping!

Ernie and I returned to Mike Sweetman's store and each of us bought several hundreds of Euros worth of clothes!

At night, we all got dressed up and we all met up in the lobby to have our final meal together as a group and take a boat cruise down the Seine river.

Our guide to take us to dinner was this very attractive, blue-eyed guy named Xavier. As it turned out, Rachel was the only one on the entire trip who spoke any French at all, and Rachel is also really hot, so she and our hottie guide Xavier hit it off well as we rode the bus to the restaurant.

Mikey and I left during dinner to go to the red light district to hang out with a deaf, mute hooker who gave us free beer- which was pretty awesome! It just so happens that in the Red light district one can also buy hash and ganga, too!

We barely made it back to the restaurant in time to load the bus to head towards the Eiffel Tower and river.

When we arrived, we learned we had 30 minutes before departure, so Mikey and I beelined it to the snack shop. Well, standing in line for a beer proved to take too long: we realized the boat left without us! Mikey and I missed dinner and the cruise!
In this case and in every other situation on this trip, I have tried to remain positive through it all. I was bummed that we missed the boat (literally), but there, standing before us, was the Eiffel tower!

We hadn't officially been up in the tower, so that is exactly what we did. The views from up there at night were incredible. I now know why they say Paris is the city of lights! We might have missed the boat, but we still had a good time.

I even got my tits out on the Eiffel Tower like Eddie made Saffy in AbFab!

Some Absinthe was waiting for us when we got back to the hotel, which made for an excellent night cap!