My mom's in town and thus far we are having a great time. She's one of the people in this world that "gets" me the most. More than most people. In a lot of ways we are exact opposites. But in a lot of ways, we are just alike.

Today as a surprise I took her to lunch at the Nickel Diner and then to The Last Bookstore in downtown Los Angeles. I had to park a few blocks away, and it was a lot of fun walking the streets of downtown with my mom. The architecture in Los Angeles in the CBD is truly stunning.
After lunch, we went to The Last Bookstore. This place is two stories of books with the coolest second floor I have ever seen. They turn books into walls up on the second floor and make really cool vignettes with stacks of books like below:
Mom only bought 12 books this time before we both felt like heading back home to Stepford. It was a fun outing that I think she enjoyed very much.
Heart my mom.